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Smells like

[Rain + Mud + Old House]


Scent Strength: Stronger



Submerge yourself into your favorite movie like never before with our Pink Palace Apartments Smell-O-Vision Candle®. The smell of rain, mud and old house will hit you as explore with Coraline and her “Little Me”. But be careful not to go through the little door lest the Beldam steal your eyes!



"Hush and shush for the Beldam might be listening."


Enhance your viewing experience,

burn during Coraline (Henry Selick, 2009).

Pink Palace Apartments

  • Experience and enjoy these classic stop-motion films like never before! Our line of Henry Selick fandom includes unique handmade gifts from The Nightmare Before Christmas, James and The Giant Peach, and Coraline gifts and clothes. Check out the full collection here.

Product Reviews

average rating is 4.5 out of 5, based on 2 votes, Product ratings

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Jazmeen Harris

average rating is 5 out of 5

St. Paul, MN

Feb 3, 2022

customer product review photo of Smell-O-Vision Candle® scented soy candle from The Euphoric Treefort

Welcome to the Pink Palace!

This candle is hilariously accurate. I love Coraline and I got it for Christmas and I have burned it with the movie. It smells amazing and really did make me feel like I was experiencing the movie for the first time. I will be ordering these as gifts for everyone on my list!



average rating is 5 out of 5

Grand Rapids, MI

Jan 23, 2022

customer product review photo of Smell-O-Vision Candle® scented soy candle from The Euphoric Treefort

Rain+Mud+Old House

It actually does smell like rain, mud, and an old house but smells really good. It sounds weird but I like it a lot LOL!


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